SAS Alumni
St. Ann Catholic School alumni are a diverse group of leaders in all areas of life. We consider St. Ann as home and as an alumni, you are always a part of our family. Your excitement for St. Ann is important for our students and the future of our school. There are many ways to stay connected to your school and give back with your time, talent and treasure.
Share your information: Click here to fill out our alumni registration form. Please share with us any great news that is happening in your world.
Stop by for a visit: Our alumni are always welcome back home. Join us to cheer on the colts at our many sporting events, attend a Thursday all school mass or come celebrate with us at St. Ann Fall Fest! Introduce yourself to new staff, students and parents.
Tell your story: With all of the success the St. Ann alumni community, you are our best advertisement. You never know when you will meet someone looking for a new school for their children or grandchildren. Show your pride and shout your Colts story from the rooftops!
Wear your Colts gear: The Spirit Shop carries fun clothing and other SAS products. Wear it with pride and Go Colts Go!
Join our alumni association: We are always looking for representatives to reach out to our alumni community to gather news, organize events and speak to our classes.
Give Back: Please donate to the Sister Connie Scholarship Fund. Sister Connie served St. Ann as a teacher for 42 years. Her goal is to help students benefit from a Catholic Education. We need your help to honor her and continue the tradition. Please donate to our Annual Giving Society. Unrestricted funds can be use for building updates, classroom supplies, scholarships and much more. Go to our Support Us page to donate to the Sister Connie Scholarship Fund or our many other programs.