Extra Curricular
Game Club will meet the 1st Thursday of each month from 3pm – 3:45pm in the library. Students in grades 4 – 8th can join this non-competitive club to play board games like chess, Sorry, Scrabble, UNO, Bingo, and more! To sign up, please email Ms. Ghio at annmarie.ghio@sascolts.org or Mrs. Miller at kris.miller@sascolts.org.
Library Council will meet once a quarter on the first Wednesday of each month from 3pm - 3:30pm in the library. Students will discuss ideas for new books to add to the library as well as fundraising ideas for the library. This is a student-driven organization and is open to all students. To sign up, please email Ms. Ghio at annmarie.ghio@sascolts.org.
Book/Movie Club will meet on Mondays from 3pm - 3:45pm in the library. To sign up, please email Mrs. Miller at kris.miller@sascolts.org.
St. Faustina Youth Society will meet the 1st Tuesday of each month from September through May at 2:50pm until 3:30pm. Students in grades 3 – 8 will lead the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy in the chapel promptly at 3pm. Students also participate in other projects, on and off campus throughout the year, including Cop Stop, Room at the Inn, special masses, and coordinating teacher prayer gifts. If you are interested in signing up, please email Ms. Ghio at annmarie.ghio@sascolts.org.