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St. Ann School Annual Giving Society

In order to continue our positive growth and to remain among the top Catholic schools in the greater Memphis area, we need your help! Last year our Annual Giving Fund helped to raise needed unrestricted funds to strengthen our existing programs and provide new, innovative opportunities for our students. Tuition only covers 80% of the income necessary to run our school. We need strong St. Ann supporters like you to help strengthen and grow St. Ann School year after year into the future.

The Sister Connie Passing on the Faith Scholarship

Please consider making a tax deductible donation to The Sister Connie Passing on the Faith Scholarship.

St. Ann Catholic School (SAS) is pleased to announce the Sister Connie Passing on the Faith Scholarship in honor of Sister Connie Tarallo for her dedication, service, and commitment to not only the Catholic faith, but also to St. Ann Catholic School, Bartlett, TN. Sister Connie is a member of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth and an active member at St. Ann Catholic Church. She was a first grade teacher at SAS from 1971 until her retirement in 2013.